Wednesday, November 25, 2009


All around us, on this planet, are people suffering from one problem or the other – diseases, broken homes, abandoned children, stranded travelers, abused people, helpless beggars, broken hearts, desperate children etc. The problems of life are as wide as the globe, permeating everywhere, leaving no one out of it.

However, we are always too busy with our own issues: but in that measure that we are busy, the world is getting worse-drug abuse, bandits, reckless people, suicide attempts, poverty and diseases abounding.

In the daily mayhem that characterizes our world, particularly this very civilization, are individuals that are called to give solace. It is important to know that you too can heal. It does not demand too much. It could be as simple as the ear that can listen, words that encourages, transportation assistance to a stranded person, a clutch given to an amputee. You can save some one from suicide, murder, rape, drugs, and crime by little spoken words of encouragement.

If you can make it a habit to engage in just one act of kindness a day, you must have ended up in making this world a better place. Help the old lady, give a lift, visit the sick person, talk to the bereaved, sooth a friend, and make the world better than you met it.

You cannot give what you do not have. Therefore, you become a channel for joy, health, peace, and abundance of life if you can forget yourself for a while and heal the world around you.

Believe you me; we would not have the need to worry about crooks in government, thieves in high places, corruption of insensitive leaders, and several other vices, if we all engage in that little acts of love that heals.

Remain blessed!

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