Monday, November 30, 2009

EXTRACT FROM OUR FREE SEMINAR ON SAT 28TH NOV 09: The True face Of Love; with Seyi Osuntayo


1.Test of time
Love benefits and grows through time.
Infatuation ebbs (fades and diminishes)
Infatuation may come suddenly

2.Test of Knowledge
Love grows out of an appraisal of all the known characteristics of the other person
Infatuation grow out of acquaintances, how the person looks, how he smiles

3.Test of Focus
Genuine love is other-person-centered
Infatuation is self-centered

4.Test of Significance
Genuine love is focused on only one person
An Infatuated individual may be “in love” with 2 or persons simultaneously

5.Test of Security
Genuine love requires and fosters a sense of security and feelings of trust.
An infatuated individual seems to have a blind sense of security (often feel insecure)

6.Test of Work
An individual in love works for the other person, for his or her mutual benefit
By contrasts, an infatuated person losses his or her ambition, appetite and interests in everyday affairs
A woman in love may study to make her husband proud. A man in love may have ambition spurred on by planning and saving for the future

7.The test of problem solving
Friends in love face problems frankly and try to solve them
Infatuated people tend to disregard or try to ignore

8.Test of distance
Love knows the importance of distance
Infatuation imagines love to be intense closeness 24/7, all time

9.The test of Attraction
Physical attraction is relatively a small part of genuine love
It is the Central focus of infatuation

10.The test of Affection
In love affection is expressed later in the relationship, involving the external expression of physical attraction we just discussed
In infatuation affection is expressed earlier, sometimes at the very beginning

11.Test of stability
Love tends to endure
Infatuation may change suddenly and unpredictably

12.The test of Delayed Gratification
A couple in genuine love is not indifferent to the timing of their wedding, but they do not feel an irresistible drive toward it
An infatuated couple tends to feel an urge to get married.
Ammon and Tammar in the Bible is an example of infatuation

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


The greatest power in the universe has been made available to man by God; and that is the power to choose: to choose to do right or wrong, to be truthful or to lie, to grow or remain stunted, to bless or curse, to construct or destroy. And it will interest you to know that this power is closely related with our capacity to be our own creator of things.

It is indeed amazing to discover that all that we enjoy or suffer in our world today are creations and products of the choices we make. We enjoy automobile because some men choose to use the power of petrochemical energy to make transportation easier; we suffer from gunshot of bandits because someone choose to use the power of chemical combustion to kill men. We enjoyed better health because Dora Akunyili, former DG of NAFDAC chose to use her power to fight importation and manufacturing of fake drugs and foods.

We suffer darkness because some people at the head chose it that way. Some of us are going to school today because one member of the extended family chose to take care of our school fees.

You need to understand the power behind the choices you make today. You need to understand that the choices you make today does not affect only you, but the people around you, those you know and those you do not know, and even the generation that are yet unborn. I have a greatly talented uncle, who made the wrong choice in his football career, and his end was pathetic. I also know another person, who had a very humble beginning in a small village in Nigeria, but made the right choices in the course of time; today he is a leader in the UK local government.

Your state of health can also depend on the choices you make. You have the choice to be healthy now or in the future, if you don’t get involved in unprotected sex; if you exercise enough; you eat balanced diet; you have good enough rest; you control your emotions, such as anger, bitterness, hatred, malice.

You can also make the choice to be happy. First, you must understand that your happiness does not depend on what you have, get, drink or eat. Many people are laughing but they are not happy. Happiness is the state of being content, at all odds. It is a higher state of consciousness that starts from giving happiness to others before you can have yours. Your world and that of others can be better if only people can afford to be happy.

You can choose to succeed or to fail. And even if you fail, you can still stand and keep going if you choose so. Three men were involved in a grievous disaster. One committed suicide, another went back to the village to nurse his wound, the other stood firm and said he had to go on, and he became a success. In what pursuit have you failed: school admission, getting one to finance your education, reconciling with your parent, recovering from an abuse, getting back from rejection etc. You can come back: but, only if you chose to.


All around us, on this planet, are people suffering from one problem or the other – diseases, broken homes, abandoned children, stranded travelers, abused people, helpless beggars, broken hearts, desperate children etc. The problems of life are as wide as the globe, permeating everywhere, leaving no one out of it.

However, we are always too busy with our own issues: but in that measure that we are busy, the world is getting worse-drug abuse, bandits, reckless people, suicide attempts, poverty and diseases abounding.

In the daily mayhem that characterizes our world, particularly this very civilization, are individuals that are called to give solace. It is important to know that you too can heal. It does not demand too much. It could be as simple as the ear that can listen, words that encourages, transportation assistance to a stranded person, a clutch given to an amputee. You can save some one from suicide, murder, rape, drugs, and crime by little spoken words of encouragement.

If you can make it a habit to engage in just one act of kindness a day, you must have ended up in making this world a better place. Help the old lady, give a lift, visit the sick person, talk to the bereaved, sooth a friend, and make the world better than you met it.

You cannot give what you do not have. Therefore, you become a channel for joy, health, peace, and abundance of life if you can forget yourself for a while and heal the world around you.

Believe you me; we would not have the need to worry about crooks in government, thieves in high places, corruption of insensitive leaders, and several other vices, if we all engage in that little acts of love that heals.

Remain blessed!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Let Your Light Shine: The Mighty Secret Of Success From One Man

Today we can hardly do things, personal or business, without electricity. Nor can we enjoy the city’s nightlife without electric light. But the electric light and the central electric distribution system, which now powers our devices at home, such as TV, CD players, water heater, Radio, GSM phones, were the vision of a certain inventor, Thomas Edison, several years ago.

Edison’s genius gave us an entire new world through his inventions which included the cinema, the microphone, audio and music players, the electric light, electric motor, electric generators etc. Edison patented over 1000 inventions in his life. Thomas Edison changed the world, becoming a multi-millionaire in the process.

But what is most important is not that Edison was a prolific inventor and a very successful entrepreneur. What is most important is that he had numerous limitations, which he deliberately strived to overcome. They are as follows:

He came from very poor background, to that extent that his parents could only afford to send him to school after he was well over 7 years.

He was sent out of school on the basis that he had learning disability.

His very poor parents and his family largely depended on his meagre earning from sales of newspapers as a boy of 11 years,

He was handicapped by partial deafness – he had to communicate with his wife by tapping Morse codes with the fingers.

He had only 3 months of formal education, after which he only learnt how to read and write from his mother.

He did not have money to execute his inventions, and had to go in and out of debts in order to try out his inventions.

At a time he roamed the streets of Boston without a job and without a living apartment.

At age 67 his legendary research laboratory, Menlo Parks, was burnt down by fire and he had to start life all over again.

He actually failed 10000 times before he succeeded in inventing the electric light!

Thomas Edison, above all odds, excelled. He attained fame and great wealth. By the time he died the whole of America observed a minute of silence, in respect of his immense contribution to humanity.

So, there is really nothing to stop you from being all you want to be. The only thing that can stop you is you.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

LIVE YOUR DREAM (The Law Of Attraction)

Wherever Attention Goes, Power Flows: You don’t suddenly become a doctor or lawyer, without first paying some attention in your mind on how you could do that. You become the product of a repeated thought pattern, which you have harboured over time. Today we enjoy aeroplanes, swimming pools, sky-scrapers, TV, mobile phones, but sometime they were intangible thoughts of some inventors, through the desires and imaginations of men for better way of doing things.

Transmutation Of Power: Your thoughts have energy and that is why they cause you to achieve things. The laws of God make energy indestructible: energy can only change from one form to another. The thought energy of buying a car mutates to the mechanical energy of moving the car from the seller to the buyer. In the same manner, the thoughts of fear results to heat energy, shown by sweating; and wrong thought patterns can even cause sickness and death, as is evidenced by psychosomatic sicknesses like high blood pressure, cancer, heart failures, shock etc.

We Attract What We Think About: The scripture said, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” The moment you start thinking about something, you send out vibrations throughout the universe that has the power to attract things of like nature, including what you think about. As you continue to maintain the same thought pattern over time, with strong emotions, and without wavering views, soon you will have that which you desire. That is why the scripture also said, “...therefore, whatsoever it is you ask, believe in your heart that you already have it and you will have it.” It is as simple as that.

How You Can Have The Good Things Of Life: You have been entitled by God to have the good things of life: wealth, wisdom, love, happiness, good home, fine cars, good health etc. For He “wishes above all things that we should prosper and be in health, even as our soul prospers.” Our problem is that we think that good things are difficult to get, and this is exactly what we get. We keep complaining that times are hard, bills are numerous, money is scarce, happiness is hardly attainable etc. As we keep producing negative emotionalised thought patterns, we get misfortune, lack, difficulties, anxieties, and bad luck. But we had already been warned by the scriptures to “be anxious about nothing....”

What Do You Do? Think Positive, Give gratitude: To attract good things in life we need to change the negative thought patterns we have maintained over the years. First, give gratitude for all the good things that happened to you, all the time. Keep emphasising the good things and “ignoring” the bad ones. As it becomes your habit, you continue attracting good things. Follow that with the act of giving: give happiness, love, care, and substance. Giving destroys the fear of scarcity, which keeps on attracting scarcity to you.

Engage In active Imagination: The imagination of man is as powerful and as real as the worst nuclear bomb, or the most beautiful city in the world. Get to the quiet, take time to meditate on and visualise what you want, feeling as though it is real. Talk about it to yourself and others, to give the thoughts further strength, because life and death is in the power of the tongue. Before long your dream will come true.

Does This Mean I do Not Need To Make Physical Effort? The need to make physical effort, like actual work, cannot be divorced from the process of achieving your dream. But undue emphasis on striving and struggling has only kept people more backward. The poorest people seem to be those that labour most. According to a research on Olympic athletes, the team that had 75% mental practice and only 25% physical practice achieved the best result. People who concentrate more on their ability to do things by their physical power deny themselves of the mighty leverage attainable from the mind, and its power to attract what we desire and transform our lives, and what they end up having are difficulties. They strive more to get less.

You Must Maintain A Good Lifestyle: God has created the universe to operate on divine principles, of which the basic is doing good to all people at all time. Your motives must be right when you desire things. If you desire to have a big car, such that you could use it to intimidate others, you may have it but you cannot get the satisfaction, which that car is supposed to provide you with. If you desire to have a great and happy home, but you are in the business of wrecking other people’s happiness, you are chasing a shadow, because you are aligning your life with the negative thoughts of other evil men and women. Your lifestyle aligns you to either evil or good: and evil produces destruction in various forms, while good makes you better. The only way you can overcome evil is by doing good.

Learn How To Visualise: You can make a timetable to visualise what you want. All of us go through unplanned visualisation process all the time, and most of it is driven by our worries, fears and anxieties. If you want to buy a plot of land, decide the deadline for the purchase. Then make a timetable, say in the morning and in the night, spend about 10 to 15 min during such time, creating a mental image of the land, and the location of the land. Start adding feeling to it, by seeing yourself moving the length and breath of that land with people, telling them about your new land, feel the air caress you as you trespass your land in your mind’s eye. Imagine discussing with the builder who will fence it. Keep doing this over time. If possible, paste a picture of a land with the kind of landscape you like at the wall of your room, where you will see it all the time. And pray God to guide you.

You Do Not Need To Bother How You Get It: If I tell you that you will get N10 Million in the next 3 months, your doubt comes as you wonder how on earth that will happen. This is where we miss it. You do not need to know exactly how it will happen. Hold the image strong enough, with the dependence on God’s supreme guidance; the manner and method by which it will reach you is not your main business. If you believe it, a sequence of actions and events will happen to bring that across you. A friend of mine wanted to buy a brand new car for his mother on her 70th birthday. In three months interval, he visualised the car so strongly, with a firm believe that he would have it before the anniversary. At the time he did this, he did not have the money; but just before the anniversary, someone who owed him for 3 years settled the debt, and from that he got the mother the car.

How About Failures? As long as the earth remains there must be hindrances, failures, setbacks; but you come out from all these unscathed, getting what you desire and “deserve” at the most appropriate time if you can think and believe so. All things are working together for your good if only you live according to the purpose of God and His divine principles. When failures come, they are there to get the best out of you, and make you give the best to the society.

You can also join our FREE SEMINAR every last Saturday of every month. Call +2348037768436 for details.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Success Academy participants for October speak on how to stop kidnapping in Nigeria

Troubled by the continous growth of kidnapping in Nigeria, the participants of Micromedia Success Academy, a monthly youth empowerment seminar, organised in Enugu, proffer solutions. According to their very emotional and vocal contributions, the following are some of the points that may help the government to control or stop the menance:

  • Economic subsidy for unemployed youth, from the age of 18, by the FGN

  • Entrepreneurial development programs for graduates, to enable them to be self-reliant, in order for them not to think about crime.

  • Change in our value system, to give less emphasis on flambouyancy and wealth, starting from those in government

  • Creation of enabling socio-economic environment for the private sector, such that they can employ more youths.

  • Government building more industries, to create more jobs, to curb menance from idle youths.

  • Intensive prayers involving every Nigerian, particularly those that run churches