Wednesday, November 25, 2009


The greatest power in the universe has been made available to man by God; and that is the power to choose: to choose to do right or wrong, to be truthful or to lie, to grow or remain stunted, to bless or curse, to construct or destroy. And it will interest you to know that this power is closely related with our capacity to be our own creator of things.

It is indeed amazing to discover that all that we enjoy or suffer in our world today are creations and products of the choices we make. We enjoy automobile because some men choose to use the power of petrochemical energy to make transportation easier; we suffer from gunshot of bandits because someone choose to use the power of chemical combustion to kill men. We enjoyed better health because Dora Akunyili, former DG of NAFDAC chose to use her power to fight importation and manufacturing of fake drugs and foods.

We suffer darkness because some people at the head chose it that way. Some of us are going to school today because one member of the extended family chose to take care of our school fees.

You need to understand the power behind the choices you make today. You need to understand that the choices you make today does not affect only you, but the people around you, those you know and those you do not know, and even the generation that are yet unborn. I have a greatly talented uncle, who made the wrong choice in his football career, and his end was pathetic. I also know another person, who had a very humble beginning in a small village in Nigeria, but made the right choices in the course of time; today he is a leader in the UK local government.

Your state of health can also depend on the choices you make. You have the choice to be healthy now or in the future, if you don’t get involved in unprotected sex; if you exercise enough; you eat balanced diet; you have good enough rest; you control your emotions, such as anger, bitterness, hatred, malice.

You can also make the choice to be happy. First, you must understand that your happiness does not depend on what you have, get, drink or eat. Many people are laughing but they are not happy. Happiness is the state of being content, at all odds. It is a higher state of consciousness that starts from giving happiness to others before you can have yours. Your world and that of others can be better if only people can afford to be happy.

You can choose to succeed or to fail. And even if you fail, you can still stand and keep going if you choose so. Three men were involved in a grievous disaster. One committed suicide, another went back to the village to nurse his wound, the other stood firm and said he had to go on, and he became a success. In what pursuit have you failed: school admission, getting one to finance your education, reconciling with your parent, recovering from an abuse, getting back from rejection etc. You can come back: but, only if you chose to.

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